Frequently Asked Questions

What will you get with HabitNu?
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-A dedicated professional health coach to guide you and your peer group on topics such as nutrition, stress management, time management, and problem-solving skills.
-Access to the HabitNu app, a secure platform that connects you with your coach, classmates/peer group, educational videos and healthy recipes, and resources to track your weight, daily meals and snacks, and activity levels.
-Weekly interactive lessons by a health coach to help you explore physical, social, and psychological components of healthy living, including the essential knowledge and skills to self-manage conditions like diabetes and hypertension.
-An online community of peers with similar health conditions and challenges for real-time encouragement, sharing, and support.

Who is eligible to join HabitNu?
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HabitNu DPP is a one-time benefit for qualified members delivered online (or in-person at designated locations) and at a pace agreeable to the participant. The typical eligibility criteria include:
-Participants must be 18 years of age or older.
-Have a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher (23 or higher if Asian American).
-Not be previously diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
-Not be pregnant.

Once a participant has registered to join the HabitNu program, they will be contacted by their health coach with information on the program.  After the on-boarding call, the participant can stay in contact with their coach via the messenger feature on the HabitNu App.

How long is the HabitNu program?
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HabitNu is a year-long program focused on building long-term healthy habits and lasting results. A year might sound like a long commitment, but learning new habits, gaining new skills, and building confidence takes time! Participants are expected to attend 16 sessions in the first six months and six monthly sessions during the remainder of the year.

What can participants expect when signing up for HabitNu?
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They will be matched with a health coach who will work with their assigned peer group to guide them through their weight loss journey. After the on-boarding call with their health coach, a Withings Wi-Fi scale will be ordered and delivered prior to the program start date. After four weeks of engagement, you will receive a Withings Pulse HR activity tracker.

How will participants download the HabitNu app?
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The participant will receive an email from your coaching team to access the HabitNu portal and create their profile, User ID and password.  They will be able to download the HabitNu App from either the Apple or Google app stores. If they do not want to download the App, access is also available at

What is the participant supposed to do when they start HabitNu?
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-Connect with their coach through weekly webinars: Weekly online webinars will be hosted by their health coach in the Webinar tab on the HabitNu App. If they have any difficulties accessing the webinars, there is a phone number they can dial to join the conference call and this is a great way to participate in the live discussion if their internet isn't working properly.
-Keep a food diary: The HabitNu program includes an easy to use food tracking diary. Food tracking is a difficult practice to integrate into daily habits, but it is a habit that will help them see success. Our results indicate that those who track their food habits succeed in reaching their health goals.
-Meet a physical activity goal: The participant will work with their coach towards meeting a physical activity goal of 150 minutes a week. They can sync their activity tracker to HabitNu or simply enter the minutes each week.
-Participate in the discussion forum: HabitNu teams communicate via a closed discussion forum. To access this discussion forum, the participant will simply click on the Discuss tab in the HabitNu App.
-Watch educational videos: In the videos tab of the HabitNu App you will find new educational videos addressing a variety of topics.  Each week, new videos will be released addressing ways for them to make small changes to improve your health!  

Why is the goal of the program to lose 5-7% of body weight?
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The HabitNu program is based on the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) landmark Diabetes Prevention Program clinical trial that showed that losing 5-7% of body weight cuts the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in half. So join now, make small, incremental, life-lasting changes and reap huge benefits!

What technology is needed for participation?
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HabitNu can be accessed from a computer, phone or tablet connected to the internet via a web browser. We suggest attending class using a desktop or laptop computer for the best experience, though participants can also join via a Wi-Fi connected tablet or mobile device. Participants can use a computer or mobile device for entering food and exercise logs. A mobile device is necessary for bar-code scanning and connecting to the scale.