Frequently Asked Questions

What makes you at risk for pre-diabetes?
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Family members with history of type-2 diabetes, if you are overweight, if you previously have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes or if you are inactive.

What is the HabitNu program?
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HabitNu is a year-long lifestyle change program delivered to you digitally over the HabitNu website. Over the course of 1 year, you will complete 26 sessions and exceed above and beyond the goals you have set for yourself. Each week you will be in contact with a lifestyle coach and a group of participants who are working towards the same goals. You will make small and lasting changes in your eating and physical activity to improve your health and prevent type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

How long is the HabitNu program?
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HabitNu is a year-long program focused on building long-term healthy habits for lasting results. Participants are expected to attend 16 sessions over the first 4 months (Core Phase), then monthly sessions the remainder of the year (Maintenance Phase). A year might sound like a long commitment, but in just a few weeks, most participants see real, tangible results which reinforces their desire to stay with the program and see how far they can take it! Learning new habits, gaining new skills, and building confidence takes time, but their lifestyle coach and classmates are there to support them every step of the way. A more detailed description of the program structure is provided below.

How long does it take to enroll?
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HabitNu’s system allows for participants to sign up in less than 5 minutes. Each participant will enroll by taking our survey and then be contacted by the HabitNu team to receive further information about the class.

What can I expect when signing up for HabitNu?
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The HabitNu Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) incorporates evidence-based education developed by the CDC to promote healthy eating, increased physical activity, and stress reduction while helping participants learn new skills and habits for lifetime sustainability.

How will the class be held virtually?
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The HabitNu class will be held online through its webinar and conference calling tool located on their website or smart phone app. The participant can use either one to access the class. Each class session will last for 1 hour and will be a time for the coach and participants to discuss the weekly educational videos.

What does the program entail?
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1. Keeping a food diary - The HabitNu program includes an easy to use food tracking Diary. Food tracking is a  difficult practice to implement in your daily habits, but it is a habit that will help you see success. Our results  show that those who track their food habits succeed in reaching their health goals. 
2. Meeting a physical activity goal - You will work with your coach towards meeting a physical activity goal of  150 minutes a week. You can sync your Fitbit to HabitNu or simply enter the minutes each week.
3. Participating in the online discussion forum - HabitNu teams communicate via a closed discussion forum. To  access this discussion forum, you will simply click on the Discuss button in the HabitNu menu. 
4. Watching our educational videos - In the Videos area of the HabitNu App you will find new educational videos  addressing a variety of topics. Each week new videos will be released addressing ways for you to make small  changes to improve your health!  
5. Connecting with your coach through weekly webinars - Weekly webinars will be hosted by your Coach. If you have any difficulties accessing the webinars, there will be a conference call line that you can dial into - and this is a great way to participate in the live discussion when your internet isn't working as expected.

How will I access the HabitNu portal?
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You can access the HabitNu portal through your smart phone or computer by - Downloading the free app off of the Apple or Play Store  Accessing our online portal at

How do I receive my scale?
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Qualifying HabitNu participants may be eligible to receive a free Withings Body Scale. To receive more information, please make sure to mention your interest to your coach. They will work with you to take down your information and ship a scale directly to your house. Those that are not eligible for a free body scale are still encouraged to purchase directly at

What devices and wearables are supported by HabitNu?
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HabitNu can synchronize health data from most Fitbit, Apple, Garmin, and Withings devices. Certain devices may be available for free or at a discount as part of your program. Please check with your coach for more information and confirm your eligibility. Please visit for purchase of any optional devices.

How can I reactivate my account?
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Email the HabitNu team at –our support team can determine why the account was deactivated and can assist you in reactivating your account.

How can I change my password?
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You can change your password in the Profile section of the HabitNu app.

illustration of person sending an email from their mobile phone

Looking For More Info?

Want to learn more about how HabitNu can help you build healthy habits and reach your wellness goals? Don't hesitate to reach out! Our team is happy to answer any questions and provide additional information. Just fill out our quick contact form and we'll be in touch soon.